Each morning we make decisions: what to have for breakfast, which activities to go to, and how to respond to what happens to us. Each day our decisions can lead to our happiness or to our misery. Another side of this is choosing how we respond to uncontrollable events. I believe the second element is more connected to our happiness.  When we are burdened with trials in this life, we face the decision of allowing ourselves to become miserable, or choosing to view the trials as a growing opportunity.  It is not always easy – I will not claim to be good at it. But I truly believe that we determine our own happiness.


Always having a positive outlook will help us find happiness in our lives.

As a student at Brigham Young University I have the opportunity to take religion classes.  Currently I am taking a Book of Mormon class. While reading from the Book of Mormon, I came across the following scripture in 2 Nephi 10:23  “Therefore cheer up your hears and remember that ye are free to act for yourselves.” I love how this scripture connects our agency, or freedom to choose, with our happiness. I was also really struck by how we are instructed to cheer up our hearts. Then I reflected on the Christ-like people I know, and I noticed they were all cheerful people. I’m not saying they were perfect, or always bubbly and excited about life; in general though, they are happy and choose to see their glass as half full.  One example of the Savior being cheerful is when He blessed the little children.  Jesus and His apostles had been very busy and were extremely tired, but instead of pushing the little children away He said, “Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not.” He was more than willing to continually help those around him.  Not only was He willing, but I believe He had a smile on His face and love in His heart.

The second half of the scripture in 2 Nephi 10:23 reads, “ye are free to act for yourselves – to choose the way of everlasting death or the way of eternal life.” I believe this principle to be true. We are in charge of our destiny. Yes, without our Savior and the atonement we would be unable to be resurrected. But because we have the infinite gift of the atonement, we have the freedom to choose. Each day, as we go around making choices, we are choosing our eternal salvation. If we choose to follow Christ’s example we are choosing to be on the Lord’s side. If we choose to push the Savior out of our lives, we are choosing everlasting death. It sounds harsh, but with the atonement we can always repent and come back to the Savior.

None of us is perfect: we all make many mistakes. However, I believe in the power of Christ’s atonement and we can choose our destiny. We are faced with the choices each and everyday. I know that with the guidance of the Holy Ghost and scriptures we can make the rights choices, and return to the presence of God someday.

This article was written by JeriAnn W., a student at Brigham Young University and a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Additional Resources:

About Mormons

Meet Mormon Missionaries

The Purpose of Life