As a student attending Brigham Young University and a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, often mistakenly referred to as the “Mormon Church,” I have the opportunity the reflect on ancient writings.  Specifically, I love to read and think about the principles found in the Book of Mormon.  The Book of Mormon is a record of God’s dealings with people who lived on the American continents.  Recently, I have been impressed with how well our Heavenly Father knows us individually and how much He loves us.  One piece of evidence to me that shows my Heavenly Father loves me is through the guidance of the Holy Spirit.  As Latter-day Saints (“Mormons”), we believe the Holy Spirit to be one of the most precious gifts God has given us.  Nephi, a record keeper in the Book of Mormon, shares an especially powerful experience he had with the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Nephi was commanded by God go to Jerusalem  to obtain records of his ancestors.  After a couple attempts, Nephi  found it was not going to be as easy as he had previously thought.  He decided to try one more time to obtain the records, “”not knowing beforehand the things which [he] should do.”  Nephi courageously followed the guidance given from the Holy Spirit and was ultimately able to obtain the records.   I also find in my life that I want the Holy Spirit to guide my life.  I try to live like our Savior Jesus Christ to know how to more fully follow that guidance.  I hope that I can be a light in someone’s life every day.

In the Book of Mormon, Nephi states, “I know that he loveth his children; neverBook of Mormon and Bibletheless, I do not know the meaning of all things.”  This is one of my favorite things Nephi ever says in the Book of Mormon.  Nephi was a man of great faith, courage, and obedience.  It might seem odd that a man even like Nephi does not know “the meaning of all things,” but God will never reveal more than we need to know at this moment.  It is amazing to see Nephi’s faith!  Even though he doesn’t know everything, he knows God loves us, therefore he will do what he knows is best for us.  This does not always mean the quickest or easiest way.  So think how we can apply this to our life?  Have you ever not received a promotion when you know you are qualified?  Ever lost a loved one?  Events in our lives do not happen by chance.  If we are living righteously and something goes wrong, it is evidence that God trusts you and he is helping you grow even more.  Our purpose for this life is to become the best person we can be and that does not come by merely living.  It comes from constant forming and reshaping from our Master.  It is not easy but it is worth it.  I thank my Heavenly Father for His love; without it I would be lost.


Article written by Conor S

Additional Resources:

Worship with Mormons

Jesus Christ in Mormonism